Protocols, REST & GraphQL APIs
GraphQL schema SDL
Visual editor of GraphQL APIs
GraphQL is an API standard that provides a more efficient, powerful and flexible alternative to REST.
Creating APIs is not easy! And creating a GraphQL SDL (Schema Designing Language) in a design-first approach can be tedious at best, generally error-prone and frustrating...
Hackolade takes a visual and schema-centric approach so you can focus on the content of requests and responses. The application also assists with all the metadata to produce validated GraphQL files and test the transactions. You can also reverse-engineer existing GraphQL SDL to produce a graphical representation of your APIs.
Swagger & OpenAPI
Visual editor of Swagger & OpenAPI design
Creating APIs is not easy! And writing Swagger documentation in a design-first approach can be tedious at best, generally error-prone and frustrating...
Hackolade takes a visual schema-centric approach so you can focus on the content of requests and responses. The application also assists with all the metadata to produce validated Swagger files and test the transactions.
You can also reverse-engineer existing Swagger files in JSON or YAML to produce a graphical representation of your APIs.